Weih..korang tengok tak cerita Jodoh kat Astro Ria hari Isnin tu..? Alaa... yg ada hanis zalikha dgn wak doyok tu... Aku tak tengok.. (Ok sengal di sini..)
I'm here not to talk about the tv series.. Doesn't go with my interest. Hahhh!! Ok tipu...
I'm here to talk about Jodoh yang sudah ditentukan oleh Allah SWT.
Setakat ni da beberapa kali aku experience kawan2 yg 'sangkut' dengan laki org. Bila dengar org bercerita rasa pelik. Why on earth do you want someone's husband? Didn't you think of the wife's feeling? You are a woman as well.. so think. I'm not gonna talk about the guys. I don't know what's in their mind..
And then I think and think and think.. Bermuhasabah diri la katakan...
What if he is the person fated for her? Allah dah tentukan jodohnya dengan laki orang.. Siapa kita nak tolak apa yang dah ditentukan oleh Allah ye tak? Terus aku istighifar banyak2... Tak baik aku ni.. Ntah2 yang perempuan tu pun sebenarnya tak minta pun nak dengan laki org..
I'm single.. and I don't know when I'll have that someone special. I don't want someone's man. I don't want to hurt anyone. Basically all single ladies have that wishes in their heads, isn't it? Kecuali la yg mata duitan tu. Keeping that in mind, I'll try to see this kind of situation in a good light.. Unless if the woman jenis yg tergedik-gedik nak laki org.. Shuh.. Pergi jauh2...
I'm still searching and waiting for my jodoh... I had someone but I let him go..
I am unsure of myself..
I am afraid. Afraid of not being able to be the best for him..
I have no confidence in myself..
I don't think I am any good to anyone
I want to be loved..
But for now, I'll just wait and pray.
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Loveeeee this pic |
Me too!! Me too! just wait and pray~~~ ^^