Monday, February 16, 2015


Itsy bitsy spider went up the babysbreath blog...
All around it went...
And left lots of spider webs...
(sila nyanyi dengan tune Itsy Bitsy Spider)

Hoiiiii!!!! Bersarang lelabah blog aku!! Busier than ever aku nih... (Busy main game.. wahahaha)
I actually have lots of things to talk about but somehow it doesn't convey through blog writing. I had wrote several posts but somehow in the mid of it I went.. huh, its not good enough. Takmo publish ah... And thus, it leads to sarang lelabah kat blog.

Hadoi..ape nak jadi. My life is soooooooooo boring. Tak macam blogger yang lain.. Ade je interesting things to talk about. I don't go out much so there's nothing much to talk about. Kekeke... Alasan.....!!

Weih, aku nak pegi jenjalan tapi sape nak ikut aku? Aku nak pergi pulau, aku nak pegi Sabah, aku nak pegi banyak tempat tapi...................... aku sorang je ke? Tak best oh jenjalan sorang2. Seram pun ade gak..

Sapa nak bawa aku jenjalan sila angkat tangan!!!

*I'm writing this in random so please excuse the no-flow of points between paragraphs.. I'm a lil crazy tonight... Please excuse my sewelness.. Wuhuu..lets do the Hawaiian dance... Hula..hula..

Tuesday, April 29, 2014



Weih..korang tengok tak cerita Jodoh kat Astro Ria hari Isnin tu..? Alaa... yg ada hanis zalikha dgn wak doyok tu... Aku tak tengok.. (Ok sengal di sini..)

I'm here not to talk about the tv series.. Doesn't go with my interest. Hahhh!! Ok tipu...

I'm here to talk about Jodoh yang sudah ditentukan oleh Allah SWT.

Setakat ni da beberapa kali aku experience kawan2 yg 'sangkut' dengan laki org. Bila dengar org bercerita rasa pelik. Why on earth do you want someone's husband? Didn't you think of the wife's feeling? You are a woman as well.. so think. I'm not gonna talk about the guys. I don't know what's in their mind..

And then I think and think and think.. Bermuhasabah diri la katakan...

What if he is the person fated for her? Allah dah tentukan jodohnya dengan laki orang.. Siapa kita nak tolak apa yang dah ditentukan oleh Allah ye tak? Terus aku istighifar banyak2... Tak baik aku ni.. Ntah2 yang perempuan tu pun sebenarnya tak minta pun nak dengan laki org..

I'm single.. and I don't know when I'll have that someone special. I don't want someone's man. I don't want to hurt anyone. Basically all single ladies have that wishes in their heads, isn't it? Kecuali la yg mata duitan tu. Keeping that in mind, I'll try to see this kind of situation in a good light.. Unless if the woman jenis yg tergedik-gedik nak laki org.. Shuh.. Pergi jauh2...

I'm still searching and waiting for my jodoh... I had someone but I let him go.. 
I am unsure of myself..
I am afraid. Afraid of not being able to be the best for him..
I have no confidence in myself..
I don't think I am any good to anyone
I want to be loved..
But for now, I'll just wait and pray.

Loveeeee this pic

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Pernah tak korang bukak fb & baca status org lain and go "Korg ni apehal hah?"

Itu la sindrom yang aku rs skrg... Korg apehal hah? Buat mood aku tiap kali buka fb jd negative?

Kadang2 rasa nak terminate je account fb tu, tp rasa mcm terputus hubungan plak nnt dgn kwn2. Da la kat situ kitaorg share info berbagai-bagai. Group sekolah, Group kwn2 lama, Group agasshi yg suka travel sana-sini. Penting tu... (Hahaha!!)

Apasal aku rasa mcm ni? Sebab.... aku rasa pengguna2 FB ni da takde sense of respect to others. Itu 1. Bahasa...bukanmain!! Cantik bebenor.  
2: rumours yg spread kat FB ni... astaghfirullahalazim, kadang2 tak betul pun. Buat fitnah, aku yg baca pun dapat dosa. (Da la pahala takde byk mana. :P)

Aku nak share apa yang aku rasa kat FB tu pun aku rs mcm tak selamat da... (Time ni aku salute ar kat Nabila Huda sbb die berani sound haters die. :D) Aku takut kena sound, aku takut org terasa dgn apa yg aku rasa. Tau dak susah jadi org yg bertimbang rasa dengan perasaan org lain walhal org tak pedulik pun perasaan aku. (Ecey...)

Time ni la aku rasa mcm nak bukak akaun twitter bagai utk aku luah rasa. Tapi aku rs macam poyo jek ade twitter. Hahaha... Apekah?!! Sya ade twitter?!! Sape kau?!!

But then, aku pikir balik. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's democracy country. You can say watever you want to say. I did some blogreading just to calm myself down and I came upon an interesting note from MariaElena.

Baca dan fahami ya... Kita nak cakap cara baik tp kadang2 org tak rasa ape yg kita rasa. Org boleh misinterpret ape yg kita nak sampaikan. So WATCH OUT!!!

A kind reminder to me and to you..

Hati-hati dengan apa yang kita tulis. Kadangkala secara tak sengaja atau tanpa kita sedari, kita sudah menyakiti hati orang lain. Anda nak tanggung dosa menyakiti hati orang tanpa anda sedari? Kalau taknak, tapis2 la apa yang anda tulis, shara di FB tu ya sayang2 sekalian.

Aku minta maaf kalau aku buat korang sakit hati. Jgn simpan dalam hati eh...

Peace out yo...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Orang putih

A lil girl asked me today..

G : Ticer ni org putih ke?
T : Why is that?
G : Ye la, saya tak pernah dgr ticer cakap bahasa melayu...

Adoyai... Ticer ni da terlebih melayu kot.. kalau da marah mmg english tu da berterabur/bercampur dgn BI sweetie...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trick or treat!

Kalau tgk topik da mcm ala2 halloween je. Tp xde kaitan punnn...
Hari ini aku trick anak2 murid aku buat kerja. Dalam 43 org budak, .mesti ade yg lmbt & malas. So....teacher yg comey ni trick dorg utk buat kerja.

Hehehe.... i asked them to race with each other who could finish the task the quickest... And the result....

Terhasil lah murid2 yg membuat keja dgn rajin dan pantas....

Hihi... SO CUTE!! Sorry teacher trick kamu. Tapi kalu tak trick, kamu x akan buat kerja & dok bersembang je... can be competitive!! ;-)

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